Hello, I'm Theo...

This is a work in progress, but why not take a quick look?

There's not much to see here yet. But there will be. My hopes are for this to evolve as a place to share my projects, hobbies and accomplishments. To serve as something of a portfolio, and an introduction to me and where I'm going next. Somewhere I can practice and learn web development. So far its mostly behind the scenes stuff on my proxmox cluster.
It'll also be somewhere I can use as a portal for stuff on my homelab, like my plex server, or nextcloud.

Things I do:

What is homelab? It can be many things. To me its playing and learning with networks and self hosting services. I run Proxmox, NginxProxy, Jellyfin, this website and more.

For the past couple of years I've started exploring web development. I've rediscovered HTML and CSS, and started to self teach JS, PHP and SQL.

I'm studying for an MA in History, with something of a focus on the effects of colonialism and modern Scotlands interactions with the world post Union.

Right now, its all work in progress on here :)